Public Comment Parameters

Public Comment

Welcome to the Board of Trustees meeting. Members of the audience are invited to address the Board on any subject on tonight's agenda when that item is being addressed. During regular board meetings, the public may also speak to the Board on subjects not on tonight's agenda during Public Comments. To help the Board conduct their meetings efficiently, the Board asks that if you wish to comment to the Board tonight, you complete a speaker's card, present the card to the Board Clerk prior to the item being discussed by the Board, wait to be called upon to speak, come to the podium, and state your name.

Individual speakers shall be allowed three minutes to address the Board on each agenda item. The Board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to 15 minutes. With Board consent, the president may increase or decrease the time allowed for public presentation, depending on the topic and the number of persons wishing to be heard. The president may take a poll of speakers for or against a particular issue and may ask that additional persons speak only if they have something new to add. (BB 9323)

Speakers are advised tjat their speech may be open to civil liability (defamation, etc.) if it involves complaints against staff or individuals. Speakers in this instance are encouraged to speak with the complaint officer or superintendent about the complaint process (BP 1312.1).