BP & AR's

Board Policies

Board policies are statements which set forth the purpose and prescribe in general terms the organization and program of a school system.  They create a framework within which the Superintendent and his/her staff can discharge their assigned duties with positive direction.

A Board policy:

  • Ensures compliance with current law, legislative requirements and California State Department regulations
  • Informs the public of the Board's goals and procedures
  • Provides for fair, reasonable and consistent treatment of issues
  • Provides consistency, stability and continuity
  • Establishes a legal record, as well as a legal basis for Board actions

Administrative Regulations

Administrative regulations shall be consistent with law and Board policy and shall be designed to promote the achievement of district goals and objectives.

Administrative regulations assigns the detail needed to implement policy to staff.  It provides the detailed requirements, procedures and prohibitions under which the District will operate.  It may satisfy a State or Federal requirement or serve as a compliance indicator.  It is an informational tool to all stakeholders:  staff, students, parents and the public

An Administration regulation:

  • Provides details for carrying out and enforcing regulation
  • Identifies specific requirements
  • May include step by step procedures
  • May assign specific responsibility